The radiogoniometry as an aid to the navigation was performed in 1910 with the pioneering works of Bellini-Tosi (a). In 1919, English engineer Frank Adcock developed the concept for the first type of a direction finding system imune to the dusk effect deficiency.
From 1930, the pace of radiogoniometry developement was quickened. Amongst them are: inertial guiding device or the gyroscope, the gyro compass, the artificial horizon, also with the parallel improvement in the cathode ray tube it gave birth of ultramodern types of equipments called panoramic receivers meant that each cathode screen gives an instantaneous picture of all radio traffic. (b).
In 1940, the American Air Force started in using the radiogoniometry in VHF band that had excellent performance in the positioning of aircrafts which soon was also adopted by the Bristish and French Air Forces.

(a) The principle of the radiogoniometry developed in 1910 by Bellini-Tosi.
(b) Cross -sectioning of the mechanism of a gyrocompass used in Inertial Navigation Systems.